Donate now to provide wheelchairs to those in need in Mexico!
A wheelchair unlocks independence for those with permanent disabilities.
$6,002 raised
$30,000 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Nearly 100 million people in the world need a wheelchair but cannot afford one. For many with permanent disabilities, a wheelchair is necessary for mobility and independence. In countries where wheelchairs are less accessible, many children remain isolated at home and unable to obtain an education. Adults without a wheelchair cannot work outside the home or attend religious or community events. A wheelchair can transform a life by providing how they can participate in their families and communities.
Forest Lake Academy is partnering with Chair the Love to provide 280 wheelchairs to the Yucatan Peninsula area of Mexico this summer. Won't you help change a life forever with a donation of a wheelchair?
The top fundraising class will receive $1000 for their class funds.
All students will have a student missions opportunity in Summer 2023 to give away the wheelchairs they raised.